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Sofia 2 Lyme FIA: CLIA-waived

Results in minutes, at your point-of-care

With kids home and parents looking for things to do that include "social distancing," more families will take to the outdoors. The only thing, ticks don't play by the same rules, so Lyme disease could end up on the rise.

When patients aren't feeling well, anxiety levels could be especially high –
and now more than ever they'll ask to be tested.

Sofia 2 Lyme FIA uses a finger-stick whole blood sample to provide accurate, objective and automated results in as few as 3 minutes, getting practitioner and anxious patient on a path to treat much sooner.

  • IgM and IgG differentiated results

  • CLIA waived

  • Point-of-care testing

  • Less than 1 minute hands-on-time

  • Accuracy comparable to laboratory testing methods

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For more information, contact

Quidel Inside Sales at 858.431.5814,

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9975 Summers Ridge Road, San Diego, CA 92121 USA

T: 858.552.1100  I  F: 858.453.4338

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